[Pmwiki-users] localization searching keywords
Knut Alboldt
Sat Dec 18 11:41:09 CST 2004
At 17:47 18.12.2004, you wrote:
>I will continue to translate even URLs into German, like our friends from
>France and Hungary do and Knut explained us here. The philosophy of
>Patrick's PmWiki aims to make service and installation simple as possible.
>Regarding an audience who are not able to read English, I pay tribute to
>let them learn even from the content of the wikilib.d (directory).
>My aim is not helping people speaking English, my aim in my translation
>are people how did not learn it for several reasons and even children, who
>are not so advanced in languages.
>I think it might help others with their translation, as I looked sometimes
>at Pierre's work, when I was not sure what was meant in the original text.
Stephan, I totaly agree: I prefer a complete translation (except the
references to the original pages or some english wikiwords in brackets) and
if possible for all the docs. The part with the admin I wrote because some
posts before there was the argument, that it would better for admins to use
some words as original wikiwords. So again: I prefer translated words, even
for special words like "WikiWords" or other that might be used in German
text as well. If such a translated special word needs to be explained you
could always add the english in brackets, e.g. "WikiWort" (WikiWord) .
>Knut Alboldt wrote:
>>well as a few people discussed that topics on v1 I may repeat some issues
>>about that:
>>Einsteigerthemen: Erzeugen und Bearbeiten von Seiten in
>> * <http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/PmWikiDe/BasicEditing>Grundlagen
>> * <http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/PmWikiDe/CreatingNewPages>Erstellen
>> neuer Seiten (CreatingNewPages)
ok, now I know your confusion Hans ! I simply cut + paste the existing
translated docindex of v2 and did not check. So the link was copied as
clear text - I didn't noticed that !
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