[Pmwiki-users] localization searching keywords
Knut Alboldt
Sat Dec 18 11:27:09 CST 2004
At 00:21 18.12.2004, you wrote:
>Hello Knut,
>Friday, December 17, 2004, 10:33:41 PM, you wrote:
> > our idea / conclusion was:
> > 1 - using german page names (correspondent to the frensh pages)
> > 2 - including the english pagename as a note (like: "german translation of
> > the original PmWiki.EnglishPagename form $date) on every german page
> > 3- linking could be done using german and / or english
>But your examples like this
>http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/PmWikiDe/BasicEditing Grundlagen (BasicEditing)
>show that you are using english page names with german titles,
Oops, yes your're right. And I checked the discussion-page of v1 I still
got on my local pmwiki v1 installation:
pagenames / usage of wikiwords - different approaches:
1. keeping the original english pagenames, when offered as a link, it can
be displayed with german text using the format:
[[EnglishPagename german Translation]]
I think a nice topic of this solution is the possibility of removing the
"De" in the pages URL (e.g. ".../wiki/PmWikiDe/Installation") to get the
original one. So you could easily switch back and forth between two
languages. [KAL]
I would prefer this method to the next. Advantages: No need to find a
translation that fits (or if to translate the pagename at all); easier to
refer to other pages that might not even be translated yet (simply refer to
the english page instead - change to the translated group name as soon as
the page is translated). mkie
2. using translated wikiwords (like it's done on the french translation,
e.g. see: PmWikiFr.Documentation Index)
so that was the reason to keep the original names. But now I think it's
better to use german pagenames and have a link in the reference text to the
english pagename (the green text).
On that discussion-pages there are other points as well, may be I should
copy them to the new diskussion page.
>quite unlike the french:
>http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/PmWikiFr/EditionDeBase Edition de Base
>I am confused. Are you going to change page names (as opposed to
>titles) back to german? Or will it be a mix, or exclusively english
>page names?
I only worked on the translation of the v1-pages, haven't had time for the
v2 translations.
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