[Pmwiki-users] Re: indent sequence (was: Whitepaper about markup strategy)

Patrick R. Michaud pmichaud at pobox.com
Sat May 17 22:15:26 CDT 2003

On Sat, May 17, 2003 at 06:18:43PM -0500, Thomas Tyler wrote:
> > Or, if you really want to use the blockquote tag:
> > $InlineReplacements["/^->(.*)/"] = "<blockquote>\$1</blockquote>";
> ...
> > Can a <blockquote> include other <blockquote> tags in HTML, to do
> > multiple indents?  I've never tried it.
> Actually, it dawned on me this morning: simply having the
> proposed ->, -->, --->, etc. markups implemented (as blockquote markup and
> not to parse into : and then to definition lists) would alleviate, for the
> most part, the problem of times and smileys in text indented using :. 

Oh yes, how obvious--I didn't even think to just make the -> --> --> 
markups implement <blockquote> directly.  Probably something along the lines

$InlineReplacements["/^(-+)>(.*)/e"] = "str_repeat('<blockquote>',strlen($1)).str_replace('\\\"','\"','$2').str_repeate('</blockquote>',strlen($1))";

which will handle the nested blockquotes.

I'm also trying to come up with a good mechanism whereby others can
upload and maintain contributed PmWiki extensions (such as smileys)
for others to download.  Anyone have any suggestions?  SourceForge and
CVS are one option, but I suspect a lot of contributors will not be
comfortable with using CVS so we may need a simpler way of doing it.


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