[pmwiki-users-de] blank pages after server migration

Caissa schach at jobkiste.net
Do Mai 11 10:12:49 CDT 2017

Hi all,

I looked at the troubleshooting page and found:
> After a PHP upgrade, some of the pages on my wiki are completely
> blank, empty, some have blank or missing sections, but the sidebar and
> the action links are visible.

This is somewhat my problem, but an upgrade didn't solve it, nor could I
find any obvious reasons.
See my startpage: http://www.jobkiste.net/caissa/pmwiki/?n=Main.HomePage
it's more or less blank.
after searching for something in the searchfield I get this:
the menu appears, pages are listed, but clicking on them leads to a
blank page again.
My phpinfo <http://www.jobkiste.net/info.php> might be useful.

Any hint in what direction I should search?

thx very much!

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