[pmwiki-devel] $DefaultGroup $DefaultPage: PMWiki 2.2.0 beta 13-beta 15

Craige Leeder craige at internetadvisor.ca
Mon Nov 6 15:56:42 CST 2006

Patrick R. Michaud wrote:

>sure to set $DefaultGroup and $DefaultPage before calling any of
>those scripts.  Some scripts will call ResolvePageName() to resolve
>incomplete pagenames, and $DefaultGroup/$DefaultPage have to be
>set before that's done.
>If that's not the problem, let us know more details about your setup
>and we can see about fixing it.
> If you're using any recipes or scripts (e.g., authuser.php), be

Thank you. It appears that was the problem.

Just curious though, is that documented anywhere. I didn't see it when I 
was searching, and it probably should be.

- Craige
-- InternetAdvisor.ca
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