Pynie Python on Parrot  
  1. What this talk is about / background
  2. About the speaker
  3. Thank you to my sponsors
  4. History of Parrot
  5. History of Parrot
  6. Parrot
  7. What is Parrot?
  8. Parrot languages (various stages)
  9. Key Parrot Goals
  10. Parrot status
  11. Parrot Foundation
  12. Parrot release timeline
  13. Rakudo Perl 6
  14. Rakudo progress
  15. But I'm not here to talk
    about Perl 6...
  16. Python on Parrot
  17. Python implementations on Parrot (historical)
  18. Python implementations on Parrot (historical)
  19. Current Python implementation on Parrot
  20. Why "Pynie?"
  21. Building Pynie
  22. Using Pynie
  23. Things Pynie can do now (test suite review)
  24. Under the hood
  25. Parrot Compiler Toolkit
  26. Compiler creation in Parrot
  27. Where things go from here
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