[pmwiki-users] Links within a hidden PTV

Martin Cuno martin.cuno at posteo.de
Fri Nov 8 09:29:44 PST 2024

Hello everyone!

A somewhat special problem, I admit it...

In an internal PmWiki I work a lot with the display of backlinks. As is well known, the "targets" are stored in the page files for this purpose.

My problem: This storage obviously does not happen if the link in question is within a "hidden" PTV, i.e. (:PTV: foo [[foo.bar|text]] bar :).

I am missing these backlinks and I do not want to convert the PTVs to open ones.

Is there a way to do this? Or would it be a good idea to set up a user option (variable) for this?

Thanks and regards!

Martin, Siegen, Germany

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