[pmwiki-users] Uploaded a new skin: Vanilla5
Paul Wiegmans
p.wiegmans at inter.nl.net
Tue Apr 1 15:03:41 CDT 2014
BY the way, the PmWiki Skin page is at
http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Skins/Vanilla5 .
You can view an example at
Paul Wiegmans schreef op 1-4-2014 21:59 UTC+01:00:
> Hi,
> I created and just uploaded a new skin for PmWiki, called Vanilla5.
> Description
> Vanilla5 is a simple HTML5 compliant mobile-ready skin for PmWiki v2.2+
> Features:
> * simple no-thrills standard PmWiki skin
> * compliant with HTML5 standards as far as there are any.
> * designed for better viewing on a mobile devices ("responsive
> webdesign") using mediaqueries for display width < 970px. No need
> for glasses!
> * uses HTML5 elements header, nav, article, section, aside and
> footer elements.
> * provides a workaround to enable styling of HTMl5 elements for
> Internet Explorer prior to v9 using html5shiv.js .
> (https://code.google.com/p/html5shiv/)
> * uses webfonts, that work with HTTP and HTTPS.
> * has some inspiration from http://open.nasa.gov and http://codeplex.com
> How do you like it?
> with regards,
> Paul Wiegmans
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