[pmwiki-users] Attached images not showing up when page is displayed in a Category

michael paulukonis xraysmalevich at gmail.com
Fri Sep 13 13:48:10 CDT 2013

According to the images FAQ
http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/PmWiki/Images#faqThe Attach-markup on the
original (included) page must explicitly have the

How can I include a page from another group that contains an attached image?
> Include the page in the normal way, ie (:include GroupName.Pagename:). In
> the page to be included (that contains the image) change
> Attach:filename.ext to Attach:{$Group}./filename.ext.

This is a bit disappointing, especially given the existence of the
"basepage" parameter for the (:include:) markup.

-Michael Paulukonis
<http://goog_2112721603>Interference Patterns (a
@XraysMonaLisa <https://twitter.com/XraysMonaLisa>

Sent from somewhere in the Cloud
(hearthrug, by the fender)

On Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 1:57 PM, Maria McKinley <mariak at mariakathryn.net>wrote:

> Yes, you are probably correct, but I would think that when using
> Categories to pull pages, pmwiki would look in the original page directory
> for images. If I see the image fine in the page, I would never suspect that
> it suddenly won't show up when I look at the page when imported to another
> page. Is there a way to set pmwiki to add the path when you use the attach
> form? Here is an example. This page has the image:
> http://www.mariakathryn.net/Blog/MoreTriesInPython
> But when I look here, the image is missing:
> http://www.mariakathryn.net/Category/Code
> thanks,
> Maria
> On Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 2:08 AM, Simon <nzskiwi at gmail.com> wrote:
>> http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/PmWiki/Images
>> http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/PmWiki/HowToGetAssistance
>> I'm not sure what you mean by 'displayed as a category'. Being able to
>> see the page might make it clearer.
>> But I suspect you may need to fully qualify the image name in the base
>> page - viz:
>>     Attach:Groupname.Pagename/image.jpeg
>> On 13 September 2013 19:14, Maria McKinley <mariak at mariakathryn.net>wrote:
>>> Hi there,
>>> Does anyone know why my attached images might not be showing up when the
>>> page is displayed as a Category? The page looks fine when you look at it as
>>> its own page. Also images displayed using a regular link (to the same
>>> directory as Uploads even!) display fine, it is just using the uploads
>>> syntax that seems to screw things up. Any ideas?
>>> thanks,
>>> Maria
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> Maria Mckinley
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