[pmwiki-users] automatic page edit locking

tamouse mailing lists tamouse.lists at gmail.com
Mon Sep 24 19:44:56 CDT 2012

Write a recipe for it and try it.

On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 12:05 PM,  <shout at joshleepictures.com> wrote:
> I am currently using PmWiki for a collaboration project with a small but very active editor base on a restricted scope of pages. Simultaneous edits occur a lot and lead to time consuming rewriting of a page. It would be great to have an edit lock functionality. I have read http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/PmWiki/PageLocking on the problems of page locking and the two options that were offered at the time and deemed to user-unfriendly to pursue.
> However I would like to present a third possibility which would allow reliable page locking and detection if an editor abandons the page using ajax. This will allow detection for unlocking almost in real time and would be a lot more user-friendly than the current simultaneous edits function. Now some might say, what if the editor gets disconnected from the internet by accident, but wants to conclude his/her edit of a page at a later time? For that case (the client failing to ajax in and no onunload event fired) a timer could be used that sets an ultimatum (maybe 10 minutes?) for the user to reconnect and conclude the edit.
> Yes, that would need cookies and it would need javascript. ajax has already been standardized in 2007 by the w3c. That said, I think PmWiki should be allowed to use cookies (which it already does for session handling) and javascript by default. Those who do live in the past, will have to fallback to the current simultaneous edits function.
> I’d like to hear opinions on that and of course a feedback if this is something that is doable and more important, if this is something that can be considered for future core functionality.
> Take care,
> Josh
> --
> 李喬什
> josh li
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