[pmwiki-users] Can't edit pages on a new server

Steve G. wordz2u at gmail.com
Tue May 3 18:39:32 CDT 2011

 I recently moved to a new server. I installed the latest ubuntu-server
version (10.10), and moved the pmwiki files and apache configuration files
to the new server. I have since donated the old server, so I can't look at
its setup. My setup is such that www.words2u.net redirects to /home/words2u,
and under /var/www I have a short index file which is only accessed when
people reach the machine using the IP address.

Today, when I tried to add a new page, I found out I can't edit pages, and
am getting the following message and a link to
" PmWiki can't process your request

Cannot acquire lockfile

We are sorry for any inconvenience. "
Changing the user and group of my wiki files and directories to www-data
lets me edit the data, but I doubt this is a good solution, because I log in
and move files into the site using another user name.

Would it help if I re-installed pmwiki from scratch? Is there another
solution? Maybe adding www-data to the words2u group or vice versa (someone
please tell me how to do it, though...)

I prefer not to use /var/www/pmwiki to host the web site (this is the
default document root) because each of my pages has either an image or a kml
file that I upload to directories under /home/words2u/ and I don't think I
can sftp files to /var/www/ as a user.

Thanks for your help.


Check out my web site - www.words2u.net
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