[pmwiki-users] htaccess redirect if not exist

pmwiki at 911networks.com pmwiki at 911networks.com
Thu Jul 29 20:27:41 CDT 2010


I have a website where pmwiki is installed in the root. I've decided
to rewrite the website.

1. I want to move the site to /pm1/site-existing
2. I want to install a new site in /pm2/site-new

Most of the pages will be rewritten, so it will take a while, I
expect a couple of monthes, but the pagenames will be the same.

What I'd like to happen is that the default becomes /pm2/site-new and
if the webpage requested doesn't exist in /pm2/site-new, then switch
to /pm1/site-existing where the existing page is still there.


Is there a better way?

When the network has to work

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