[pmwiki-users] BlogIt does not converts plain wiki pages

DaveG pmwiki at solidgone.com
Tue Feb 16 14:58:00 CST 2010

On 2/16/2010 3:37 PM, kirpi at kirpi.it wrote:
>> It looks like this error occurs if you use the built-in PmWiki security (ie,
>> not AuthUser). Can you confirm that you using the basic PmWiki security, and
>> are you running the latest version of BlogIt?
> Yes, I can confirm.
I'll post an update to correct the problem.

> As a matter of fact, I also have a problem as the standard edit
> password seem not to be enough to save changes, and I am always forced
> to log in ad admin.
> Not a big problem to me personally, but something should be wrong somehow.
You should not need to login as admin. By default you should only need 
'edit' privs. Could you send me the config used to setup blogit security 
(any $bi_Auth statements).

>> Also, I don't recommend converting *all* pages, as this would also convert
>> the PmWiki group pages, and possibly other system pages. I'll update the
>> docs to reflect this. Usually use something to delineate the group like
>> &pattern=Blog\.
> Ok, I'll follow youe advice.
> Still there should be some "filter", maybe, not to change special
> pages like "RecentChanges" and the like. Or not?
Agreed there should be a filter probably using $SearchPatterns, and this 
is how things started out. Somehow over time, I remove this restriction. 
I'll add it on to the todo list.

  ~ ~ Dave

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