[pmwiki-users] need expert review - multilanguage recipe change

Hans design5 at softflow.co.uk
Sat Jul 18 13:08:40 CDT 2009

Saturday, July 18, 2009, 7:26:57 PM, SteP wrote:

> Maybe this should be a new recipe, multilang2, which provides some level of backward compatibility
> with multilang, but only for selected features? 

I decided not to bring forth a modified version of multilanguage.php.
I find the functions in the recipe too complicated, with a lot of
unnecessary calls to read the page cache etc.

I will publish a modified version of ViewModes, basically adding
a (:title-xx yyy:) markup, which stores language titles as page
attributes, and a swither/seelctor markup to show links for switching
the user language. Both add just  a little bit of code to views.php,
and the whole recipe will be a lot leaner than multilanguage.

I can publish this new recipe using some of multilanguage.php
markup terminology, as one would not use both recipes at the same
time, although I don't like the long (:if userlang xx:) directive,
I would prefer something shorter like (:if lang xx:).
In fact I can replace 'view' in views.php with 'lang' and get quite a
decent modified recipe.


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