[pmwiki-users] Absence - Formation et Congés
philippe.krait at thalesgroup.com
philippe.krait at thalesgroup.com
Sun Jul 12 21:12:12 CDT 2009
----- The following is an automated response
----- to your message generated on behalf of philippe.krait at thalesgroup.com
Bonjour, je suis en formation, puis en congés entre le lundi 06/07/09 au soir et le lundi 03/08 au matin. Je lirais probablement mes mails de temps en temps, mais en cas
d'urgence, vous pouvez me contacter sur mon mobile au +33 6 30 16
14 28.
Hello, I am in training, then on holidays from Monday the 6th of July evening, and back on Monday the
3rd of August in the morning. I will probably check my mail now and then, but in
case of emergency, you can contact me on my mobile +33 6 30 16 14
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