[pmwiki-users] Pagelists and multiple (:description:) tags

Olaf Marzocchi 550242083288-0001 at t-online.de
Sat Feb 28 15:56:41 CST 2009

Hi everyone,
I am using pmwiki since 2.1 as CMS, more or less, but only now I started 
trying to use custom templates for pagelists: I don't want to update 
manually the page indexes anymore...
I am using currently the "multiplanguage" recipe to allow the writing in 
the same page of different versions of the text, of the keywords and of 
the page description, then chosen automatically depending on the browser 
It works beautifully, but I found a problem with pagelists. I use the 
following custom template:

[[{=$FullName} | {=$Titlespaced}]]
-> {=$Description} ({=$LastModified})


and I always get all the (:description:) fields of each page! For 
example, I get

Immagini di lampadine
Bilder von zwei Glühlampen
Immagini di due diverse lampadine Pictures of two different light bulbs 
(28/02/2009 ore 21:15 CET)

The title ("Immagini lampadine") is correctly chosen depending on the 
current language, but not the description field and not the language of 
the "last modified" field. The latter is, however, not important, I care 
about the description fields.

Is there a solution to this issue?

Thank you very much in advance.

Best regards,
Olaf Marzocchi

My real e-mail address is olaf.lists, hosted on gmail.com.

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