[pmwiki-users] subpages.php corrupted! (vincent)
nzskiwi at gmail.com
Thu Jul 31 05:16:55 CDT 2008
I'd very much like to see some development of this script.
It suits a need I have down to the ground,
there are a few quirks and idiosyncrasies (some already documented on the
recipe page) that would make it really fit properly in pmwiki.
thanks in advance
2008/7/18 John Rankin <john.rankin at affinity.co.nz>
> >Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2008 03:45:30 +0200
> >From: <vincent at vizway.se>
> >Subject: [pmwiki-users] subpages.php corruted!
> >Hi, I want to try out subpages and dowloaded subpages.php at
> >http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/SubgroupMarkup
> >but the file is corrupted and there is no e-mail to John Rankin.
> >
> >Is there some one who can repair it?
> I have uploaded the current version again. It looked to me as if
> the file was a Microsoft Word document, masquerading as a php
> script. Has this happened to any other uploads?
> I'll have to remind myself what new features are in the latest
> version and update the documentation. However, let me point out
> a couple of things:
> - a case can be made that one uses subpages (or subgroups) only
> as a last resort, when all other design approaches have proved
> unable to meet the need -- when you need them, they are
> essential; unless they are essential, they add unnecessary
> complexity (just my opinion, YMMV)
> - there is one feature the recipe should have, but I can't
> figure out how to add it -- if Group.PageX has an edit
> password set, then Group.PageX,SubpageA should inherit
> the password, in the same way that pages in Group inherit
> any Group password settings; unfortunately, a page-level
> password applies only to the page and not its subpages
> (it must be possible to fix this, but I can't see how)
> I'd be interested in feedback on whether the subpages recipe
> is useful and should be developed further.
> JR
> --
> John Rankin
> Affinity Limited
> T 64 4 495 3737
> F 64 4 473 7991
> 021 RANKIN
> john.rankin at affinity.co.nz
> www.affinity.co.nz
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