[pmwiki-users] PmWiki and Pagelist as report generator
Peter Bowers
pbowers at pobox.com
Wed Aug 20 07:15:59 CDT 2008
Did you look into wikiforms at all? I did a similar thing with books
printed in the Albanian language using wikiforms which you can see at
www.ccl-al.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php?n=Alb.BookCatalog (live data). I
don't think you could do a multi-line form, though, unless I've just
never read about that capability in wikiforms...
On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 11:07 AM, Steve Glover <steve.glover at ed.ac.uk> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been stretching PmWiki (and Balu's blogging tools in particular) in
> almost certainly unintended ways by having sets of pages that start off
> by assigning a set of variables and then display them in a particular
> format, and then using a collection of pagelist formats to pull out
> particular views:
> For example, I might have a set of pages called YYYY-MM-DD-label that
> start off like:
> (:if false:)
> Organisation: Euphoric State University
> Olink: http://www.euphoria.edu
> Contact: Morris Zapp
> Email: mzapp at euphoric.edu
> EL: [[ mailto:{$:Email} | {$:Email} ]]
> Linkname: [[ {$:Olink} | {$:Organisation} ]]
> Joindate: 01/04/07
> ...
> ...
> and ending with, say:
> [[#entrybody]]
> !!! {$:Linkname} (joined on {$:Joindate})
> [[#extendedbody]]
> || class="tiger" border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 width=90%
> ||! Name ||! Email ||! Address ||
> || ||{$:Contact} ||{$:EL} ||{$:ELaddress} ||
> || ||{$:Contact2} ||{$:EL2} ||{$:ELaddress2} ||
> So the first part of the page contains my data and the second half
> displays it.
> The reason for using variables, though, is so that I can have an
> aggregator page containing a pagelist:
> (:pagelist fmt=BlogOverviewTemplate#shortmemberlist group={$Group}
> name=2???-??-??-* count=999 order=$:Organisation :)
> which is formatted thus:
> [@
> [[#shortmemberlist]]
> (:template first:)!!!Organisation
> (:template each:)* [[ {=$FullName}| {=$:Organisation} ]] - {=$:Olink}
> [[#shortmemberlistend]]
> @]
> Or however we need the data....
> Now, I finally come to the actual question:
> Producing the individual pages manually using the ordinary pmwiki editor
> was fine when there were only two or three a week. However, we're going
> to need lots more, and it would be useful to use an input form to write
> out the individual pages.
> Is there a way in PmWiki of having a form that collects values of
> variables and then writes them out, not to an email, but to a new wiki
> page whose name is constructed from variables in the form?
> Thanks
> Steve
> --
> Steve Glover: SDSS, EDINA, Causewayside House, 160 Causewayside EH9 1PR
> e:steve.glover at ed.ac.uk t:0131 650 2908 f:0131 650 3308 m:07961 446 902
> The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
> Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
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