[pmwiki-users] flash & media questions
adam overton
a at plus1plus1plus.org
Tue Apr 22 02:17:20 CDT 2008
actually, it looks like i'm halfway mistaken.
here's my deal:
i realized that this is working because:
- i have a website named (for the sake of example) http://
mywebsite.com, that is not a pmwiki site - it's just straight up html
- within that, i then have my pmwiki folder with all my pmwiki stuff
- i have another webaddress that is directed to the pmwiki portion of
my site - let's call it http://mypmwikisite.com
i realized that i can grab my flash file from the uploads file if i
reference it from the original site:
however, the following pmwiki site version doesn't work:
http://mypmwikisite.com/uploads/myGroup/myFlashFile.swf --- doesn't work
so, i guess the above is a workaround for me right now, but might not
be for others who might only have one address (?)
so again, this doesn't seem like the most perfrect solution - is
there not a way to grab a flash file from elsewhere on the site by
feeding it 'MyGroup/myFlashFile.swf'?
sorry for any confusion...
> [pmwiki-users] flash & media questions
> prima at wordit.com prima at wordit.com
> Mon Apr 21 21:20:38 CDT 2008
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> Quoting adam overton <a at plus1plus1plus.org>:
> > flashfile uploaded to a different group DOES work if you give an
> > absolute address
> > (:flash http://blah.com/pmwiki/uploads/MyOtherGroup/flashfile.swf
> > width=150 height=100:)
> Can you refer to a file located anywhere by using an absolute path?
> Or does it have to be within ones own site? I'm just wondering what
> the benefit is of using pmwiki's upload function if you place the
> flash files anywhere else on the server.
> Marcus
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