[pmwiki-users] sidebar troubles
Matt Hollingsworth
mattt1138 at hotmail.com
Fri Sep 7 13:51:11 CDT 2007
I swapped back in the "triad" template so people can see what I am talking about.
If you click "initial setup tasks." it shows the sidebar menu on the left. If you click "home" it disappears. It's this way with all elastic skins for me. It occurs with Firefox, Safari and IE on Windows XP.
Thanks for any help.
From: mattt1138 at hotmail.com
To: pmwiki-users at pmichaud.com
Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2007 11:10:18 -0700
Subject: [pmwiki-users] sidebar troubles
Hello all,
A noob question. Looked through the archives and didn't see any answers to this.
Setting up my wiki. I tried a TON of skins, but I cannot use ANY of the elastic/fluid/liquid skins that I tried, which is quite a few. When I use these skins, my left sidebar disappears when I click on "home". It will reappear at times if I go into certain areas, but every time I hit home, it disappears.
I tried triad, fixflow, blues, dropdown and a ton of others and it happens with all of them. Right now, I just dropped in a fixed layout "alalike" and it works fine.
Any ideas???
Thanks for any and all help.
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