[pmwiki-users] fmt=#description weirdness
Maria McKinley
parody at u.washington.edu
Fri Oct 26 03:35:48 CDT 2007
On 10/26/07, Dominique Faure <dominique.faure at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 10/26/07, Maria McKinley <parody at u.washington.edu> wrote:
> > Yes, I think so. (Love this long conversation with myself, sorry for
> > filling everyone's inbox with it).
> >
> > This code seems to work fine:
> >
> > (:if false:)
> > [[#description]]
> > * [[{=$FullName}|+]]
> > - {=$Description}
> > [[#descriptionend]]
> > (:ifend:)
> >
> > (:pagelist group={$Group} fmt=#description count=7:)
> >
> > And now I get what the = before the $Description was for - gets it
> > from the page it is sampling from, instead of the current page. I'm
> > really not sure why the if statement was there at all.
> >
> The (:if false:)...(:ifend:) statement is surely used to hide the
> template definition, but you have to remember that actually (:if:)
> conditions don't nest. When conditionals are needed, the use of
> another mean to hide your code is better.
> --
> Dominique
Yes, I think they may have been trying to get rid of the dash when
there isn't a description. I don't mind the dash for the links that
don't have a description. Certainly preferable to the weird formatting
on the top of the page if you try to use the code as written in the
documentation (IMHO). Btw, I don't have access to edit that page, so
maybe someone else can transfer my learning into the documentation.
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