[pmwiki-users] Index.PHP Question

Steve Rowe think1blue at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 25 16:01:03 CDT 2007

I made a wiki website a few years ago and it is still
working great. I'm now attempting to put up my second
wiki on the same server in a non-farm environment and
I'm having an issue.  

I am not a server guy and I have little personal
experience with IIS.  I have access to certain drives
where I have set-up websites and thats it.

The IT guy has the server directory set-up like this:


For the first site I created Index.php consisting of

<?php chdir('pmwiki'); include_once('pmwiki.php');

When I type www.1stSite.com in a browser, it works
every time.

So, I copied the Index.php in E:\2ndSite consisting of

<?php chdir('pmwiki'); include_once('pmwiki.php');

If I type the www.2ndSite.com in a browser, I get a
403 forbidden error. If I type
www.2ndSite.com/index.php I might get the 2ndSite or I
might get an error saying there was no \pmwiki
directory or I might get the 1stSite!

I checked the local\config.php and it has this in it:

$PubDirUrl = 'http://www.2ndSite.com/pmwiki/pub';

On a lark, I shortened the 2ndSite\Index.php to this:

<?php include_once('pmwiki.php');

It seems to work if I type in
www.2ndSite.com/index.php, but I still get a 403
forbidden error if I just use www.2ndsite.com. I don't
understand why it doesn't have to change directory to

Still struggling with the 403 error, I now created an
E:\2ndSite\index.htm file that consists of this:

  <title>Transfer Page</title>
  <script language="JavaScript">
<body onLoad="javascript:newopen()">
<p>You are being redirected to our new site.  
Click <a
href="http://www.2ndSite.com/index.php">here</a> if 
you are not automatically redirected. </p>

I don't know why I'm having a hard time and it was so
easy last time.  What do I need to do or have the IT
guy do so that browsers find 2ndSite\index.php without
having to be redirected through index.htm?

Thank you!

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