[pmwiki-users] FW: Cookbook.MindjetMap (Mind Mapping tool)

Peter K.H. Gragert p.k.h.gragert at skyaccess.nl
Sun May 13 05:05:26 CDT 2007

> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
> Van: pmwiki-users-bounces at pmichaud.com [mailto:pmwiki-users-
> bounces at pmichaud.com] Namens Stéphane Heckel
> Verzonden: zondag 13 mei 2007 2:54
> Aan: pmwiki-users at pmichaud.com
> Onderwerp: [pmwiki-users] Cookbook.MindjetMap (Mind Mapping tool)
> Greetings List, ...
> There is a new Cookbook related to the Mind Mapping tool Mindjet
> MindManager
> http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/MindjetMap
> How it looks like ?
> http://pmwiki.confluence.free.fr/
> (Check the Note : See the Mindjet MindManager map Navigation option.
> Remarks
> - works with IE only
> (http://www.mindjet.com/us/products/mindmanager_viewers/publishers.php?s=3
> )
> after the installtion of a plug-in.
> Best Regards,
> SH

[PKHG] I am learning to use freemind too and the flash browser 
(from sourceforge for websites)
And I succeeded: have a look at a PmWiki file structure
http://www.55plus-enschede.nl/freemind/testnu.html with only one BUT:
The map is build with the (unstable) version 0.9 by importing a PmWiki
directory structure. But I had to remove a lot of nodes, if not, only a
superseding (I mean: all nodes above each other) of the map (not readable
any more, well reacting to enlarge and shrink etc.) is to be seen (BUG!)

The link above works  IE 7 and FF 2 ;-)

Have a nice mothers-day ;-)

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