[pmwiki-users] Space char in include
Hladůvka Jiří
mail at revida.sk
Thu May 3 17:53:06 CDT 2007
Thanks, Pm, for an excelent explanation.
This lesson should be in the cookbook :-)
P.S. In the following text probably the "(:input" string is to be
replaced by the "(:include"
Patrick R. Michaud napsal(a):
> On Fri, May 04, 2007 at 12:00:12AM +0200, Hladůvka Jiří wrote:
>>> What version(s) of PmWiki?
>> beta 44
>>> Can you demonstrate the problem in the Test group on pmwiki.org,
>>> or provide a url?
>> On my site http://www.revida.sk/wiki/index.php/JITS/JITSsnip
>> there are snippets of JITS version 20070418
>> where the anchors have the white space in front e.g.
>> (:include {*$Group}/JITScfg JITS/JITScfg #Project#Projectend:)
>> an it works perfectly.
> Oh, you've stumbled across the "slight difference" I alluded to in my
> earlier message.
> This difference exists by design -- it's not an accident.
> Consider these cases:
> (:input Page1 Page2 #xyz#xyzend :)
> (:input Page1#xyz Page2 :)
> The first says to locate the first available of Page1 or Page2,
> and then extract the "#xyz" section from it. So, if Page1 exists
> but doesn't have an #xyz section, we get nothing. We only see
> Page2 if Page1 doesn't exist.
> The second version says to look specifically for a section named
> #xyz inside of Page1. In this case we get Page2 if either Page1
> doesn't exist, or if Page1 exists but there's no section named
> #xyz.
> And, of course we can do:
> (:input Page1#xyz Page2#abc :)
> This uses any #xyz section in Page1, if no such section exists
> then it grabs the #abc section from Page2.
> So, let's look at what happens in the cases you give:
> (:include {*$Group}/JITScfg JITS/JITScfg #Project#Projectend :)
> (:include {*$Group}/JITScfg JITS/JITScfg#Project#Projectend :)
> Here, the space does make a difference. The first version looks
> for the first available page, and then grabs a #Project section
> out of it. The second version grabs a #Project section _only_
> out of JITS/JITScfg. If {*$Group}/JITScfg exists, then that
> page is being used in its entirety, because there's no section
> qualifier on it.
> Hope this helps to explain what you and others are seeing.
> Pm
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