[pmwiki-users] if directive and pagelist and LocalTemplate
stephane.smets at banksys.be
Thu May 3 03:08:30 CDT 2007
Hello all
I'am confronted with a « undocumented features » maybe and I want your opinion.
I describe here the full chain of directives I use, maybe it is too much, but you will have the maximum of information.
We start with the level of a group sidebar. It contains only one thing : an include of a common page in another group, the page is called DefaultIncludeSideBar
This page contains several if and pagelist directives.
Each pagelist use its own template in LocalTemplates.
And it is there my problem. This is an exemple of the templates :
(:if name *EMSQUERY* :)
(:cellnr:)[[{=$FullName}?action=graphdel|skin:croix.jpg"delete from your profile"]]
(:cell:)[[{=$Group}/{=$DefaultEMSQueryGroupName}-{=$DefaultEMSQueryGroupName}?action=PTV&page={=$FullName}?|EMSQuerY ]]
(:if name -*EMSQUERY* :)
(:cellnr:)[[{=$FullName}?action=graphdel|skin:croix.jpg"delete from your profile"]]
(:cell:)[[{=$FullName}?action=fullscreen|skin:chart_line_error.png"View full screen"]]
The if directive returns always false excepted when the page contains emsquery.
So my conclusion is : in the case of a pagelist, the "name" test uses the current page name and not a pagename coming from the pagelist, by opposite of the wiki variables like $FullName
In my case it is really not what I want, as you can imagine. And is it normal?
We use pmwiki 2.2.0-beta44
Thanks for the help!
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