[pmwiki-users] Problems causedf by recent PmWiki updates

marc gmane at auxbuss.com
Mon Mar 12 10:13:55 CDT 2007

marc said...
> I'm having to spend a fair bit of time debugging problems caused by 
> recent changes to PmWiki. I went from beta 31 to beta 34, and this is 
> where the problems occurred. I can run everything up to the save before 
> the beta 34 update - taken literally before updating - and all is okay, 
> thereafter I've hit quite a few snags that have taken quite a lot of 
> time to resolve.
> One set of issues was due to the changes in stdmarkup.php. This caused 
> quite a few local markup functions to fail. Most of these I have 
> resolved by changing the Markup() "when" parameter to 'directives'. 
> However, I don't have a full regression testing suite, so I'm not yet 
> sure whether I've cleared all the problems.
> However, one problem has me stumped. My login process uses authuser with 
> authentication against a database and has worked fine until beta 34. 
> However, now I can login everywhere except the farm's home page. This 
> happens on all farms in a wiki.
> I also use the 'get rid of Main' recipe. Now, when I remove 'get rid of 
> Main' I can login on at farm HPs.
> So, presumably, something needs to be adjusted in 'get rid of Main' so 
> that authentication works as expected.
> Here's the 'get rid of Main' code I have in farmconfig.php.
> ###### This section gets rid of Main 
> ###########################################
> ## add default group (Main) to page search path 
> $PagePathFmt = array(
>       '{$Group}.$1',           # page in current group
>       '{$DefaultGroup}.$1',    # page in default group (Main)
>       '$1.$1',                 # group home page
>       '$1.{$DefaultName}',     # group home page
> );
> $pagename = MakePageName('Main.HomePage', $pagename);
> ## reformat page urls to omit default group (Main)
> $FmtPV['$PageUrl'] = 'PUE(($group==$GLOBALS["DefaultGroup"])
>         ? (($name==$GLOBALS["DefaultName"]) ? "$ScriptUrl/" : 
> "$ScriptUrl/$name")
>         : "$ScriptUrl/$group/$name")';
> $FmtP["!\\\$ScriptUrl/$DefaultGroup/!"] = '$ScriptUrl/';
> ###### End of section that gets rid of Main 
> ####################################
> Any ideas? Thanks.

Sorry, I meant to mention that authuser.php is the cause of the problem. 
A fully up to date installation will work fine by reverting to 
authuser.php from beta 31.


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