[pmwiki-users] How to change LastModified format

Ryan R. Varick rvarick at gmail.com
Mon Jun 25 10:50:02 CDT 2007

I want to get rid of the comma between the date and the time.  I
changed $TimeFmt in config.php and now the (All)RecentChanges list
works as expected (using $CurrentTime); however, $LastModified does
not seem to respect the new time format.  I see that $LastModified, as
defined in pmwiki.php uses $TimeFmt to format the time, so any ideas
why it wouldn't be working?

For reference, config.php:
$TimeFmt = "%B %d, %Y at %I:%M %p";
$RecentChangesFmt['$SiteGroup.AllRecentChanges'] = '* [[$Group.$Name |
$Titlespaced]]  -  $CurrentTime  ';
$RecentChangesFmt['$Group.RecentChanges'] = '* [[$Group.$Name |
$Titlespaced]]  -  $CurrentTime  ';

Included footer page is using {$LastModified}.



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