[pmwiki-users] travel map?

Benoit Dutilleul benoit.dutilleul at googlemail.com
Thu Jun 14 12:30:28 CDT 2007

Waw, that would be great for one non-profit project I am running as well:
Could it be possible to have a markup creating such a path with a list of
latitude longitude points?
Let me know when you've made some progress!


2007/6/14, Hans <design5 at softflow.co.uk>:
> Thursday, June 14, 2007, 6:17:54 PM, Ben Stallings wrote:
> > Would PmWikiDraw do the trick, with a static map as the background?  Or
> > do you need it to zoom and scroll?
> Maybe it will do. Zooming would be better.
> Google maps would be great, but I need to find a comfortable way to
> add a red line!
> > O where are you going, said reader to rider?
> I am preparing a site for someone who wants to travel round the world
> on bike, to promote sustainable travel.
>   ~Hans
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