[pmwiki-users] Wannabe farmer questions

Sandy sandy at onebit.ca
Fri Jun 8 09:37:19 CDT 2007

Donald Z. Osborn wrote:
> Thanks for this. Have managed to get things working partway. However the 
> first (and so far only) farmwiki won't let me edit or approve sites (the 
> preloaded pmwiki.org <http://pmwiki.org/> site).
> The wiki.d file is 777
> Is there anything in the farm's local/config.php that one shouldn't have 
> (to avoid conflict? with the wiki home config.php?
> Don

By default, you need to have edit authority, or maybe admin, to approve 
urls. That way, people with mere edit authority won't be able to add 
spam that works.


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