[pmwiki-users] Web/RSS Feeds
Bob Koon
bob at onemanband.com
Fri Jun 8 08:47:34 CDT 2007
I'm trying to add a feed to my wiki (home wiki in a farm for now, I will
want to add other feeds later) and I don't get notifications in my
aggregator app and I'm not sure why. The wiki is password protected, but
the site (subdomain) is not (yet). This will be done via .htaccess.
In my local/config.php, I have the following:
if ($action == 'rss') include_once('scripts/feeds.php');
if ($action == 'rss') $EnablePageListProtect = 0;
$FeedFmt['rss']['item']['description'] = '$LastSummary';
$FeedFmt['rss']['item']['title'] = '{$Group} / {$Title} @ $ItemISOTime';
To add the feed, I browsed to:
And clicked the Subscribe Now button. The feed appeared in my aggregator
app and I set it to check every 5 mins and to notify on any changes.
However, it never notifies me after I force a change in the wiki (that
appears in Site/AllRecentChanges).
What am I doing wrong? Also, once I get it working, will I need to change
anything once I set up the .htaccess?
Thanks for your help.
-- Bob
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