[pmwiki-users] Installing FoxForum

Hans design5 at softflow.co.uk
Thu Jun 7 03:04:22 CDT 2007

Thursday, June 7, 2007, 12:26:22 AM, malexism at free.fr wrote:

> Yes. That is. I was just confuse by those two wikilib.d.
> And i don't know how to edit Fox templates pages (url ?)
> And how to read protect those files (in Site Group, they are admin 
> protected, but in cookbook/wikilib.d ?)

wikilib.d is just a convention for a folder name, to act as a wiki
page store with predefined pages. Often skins have their own wiklib.d
directory to hold skin subpages.

Pages in the Site Group are protected by default. It does not matter
in which page store the files are stored (wiki.d or wikilib.d or a
custom store like cookbook/foxforum/wikilib.d).

Best info about Fox templates is on Cookbook.Fox, and looking at the
various example applications, and studying Cookbook.Input.
Failing that ask a more specific question.


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