[pmwiki-users] htpasswdForm

Sameer Kumar skumar at eharch.com
Thu Jul 26 10:18:19 CDT 2007


Thanks a ton for all your help! I am sorry to say that I still don't
have this working...


I will tell you everything that I have done so far:


1.      Downloaded mod_auth_sspi_1.0.4 which came with three directories
(bin, doc, src) when unzipped. I don't know where these go. 


2.      I found mod_auth_sspi.so and copied that in the /modules
directory of Apache.


3.      According to http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/SingleSign-On,
the following is added to Apache httpd.conf:

# Add to your httpd.conf


<IfModule !mod_auth_sspi.c>

    LoadModule sspi_auth_module modules/mod_auth_sspi.so




# Configuration for mod_auth_sspi

<IfModule mod_auth_sspi.c>

    <Location /protected/>

        AuthName "A Protected Place"

        AuthType SSPI

        SSPIAuth On

        SSPIAuthoritative On

        SSPIOfferBasic On

        # SSPIBasicPreferred

        # SSPIUsernameCase lower

        require valid-user



# End of mod_auth_sspi.


4.      I added the following to the pmwiki config.php:


include_once ("$FarmD/scripts/httpauth.php");//NTLM-Auth, Basic-Auth

include_once ("$FarmD/scripts/authuser.php");


  #remove domainname

  $temp = preg_replace("/^[^\\\]+\\\/", "", @$_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']);

  $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'] = $temp;

  $Author = $temp; #set Author to REMOTE_USER

  AuthUserId($pagename, stripmagic(@$_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']));#authuser

  #fix-author for editform

  SDVA($InputTags['e_author'], array(

    ':html' => "$Author<input type='hidden' \$InputFormArgs />",

    'name' => 'author', 'value' => $Author));



5.      You see that there is no mention of the /protected/ directory
anywhere here... In any case, I created it as per your directions.


6.      I created the .htaccess file and added the following to it:

<IfModule mod_auth_sspi.c>

 <Location /protected/>

  AuthName "A Protected Place"

  AuthType SSPI

  SSPIAuth On

  SSPIAuthoritative On

  SSPIOfferBasic On

  #SSPIBasicPreferred On


  SSPIOmitDomain On

  #SSPIUsernameCase On

  require valid-user




7.      I created the phpinfo.php as you directed in the /protected/


8.      When I go to my website, it pops up the windows login box but
does not let me in. It returns everytime I submit it.


9.      Even though I cannot access my website, I can to
http://website/protected/phpinfo.php and it displays the php info but
there is no mention of _server(remote_user) or NTLM anywhere.


This is what I have till now. I really appreciate your attention and am
grateful for it.




On 7/26/07, Sameer Kumar <skumar at eharch.com> wrote:





> ~~~Another question:


> If I do use SSPI, will the author related features in PmWiki still
work as

> before? For example, Profiles.author pages, authorrequired, etc.??



Usernames have to be compatible with PmWiki requirements (noticeably,

spaces are not allowed).




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