[pmwiki-users] problems

DaveG pmwiki at solidgone.com
Mon Dec 3 08:48:18 CST 2007

On Mon, 3 Dec 2007 15:12:07 +0100 (CET), Clara Attermo
<claraattermo at yahoo.se> wrote:
>     I've got two problems:
>   1.       I use the skin Skidoo. When I load pmwiki.php the SideBar
> doesn't show. I need to view the SideBar specifically (and log in as
> like I would like to edit it) first and then I can navigate further via
> SideBar. How do I make the SideBar show from the beginning?
Do you actually see any tabs when you load pages with the Skidoo skin? Do
you see tabs, but no content? Also note that Skidoo requires javascript to
be active.

The content of the left side bar is driven by Site.Skidoo-TabsLeftContent.
By default that file pulls it's data from Site.Skidoo-Tabs, which should
contain something a series of DIV, each of which will become a tab:
(:div title="site":)
(:include {$SiteGroup}.SideBar:)
(:div title="group":)
(:include {$Group}.SideBar:)
(:div title="admin":)
(:include {$SiteGroup}.{$SkinName}-AdminBar:)

The first DIV there pulls in Site.SideBar as the first tab. I'd suggest
taking a look at each of the files and checking that the files exist. 

 ~ ~ David

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