[pmwiki-users] question about headings

Chris Cox ccox at airmail.net
Wed Aug 22 13:14:00 CDT 2007

Shi Sherebrin wrote:
> Ben Wilson wrote:
>> On 8/21/07, Shi Sherebrin <pmwiki at share-a-brain.com> wrote:
>>> I'm trying to set up a style for my skin such that the first heading on
>>> a page won't have any margin above it, but other headings will.
>> Are we referring to the page title heading, or a section heading?
> ...
> actually I'm looking for a more general solution, so that whichever 
> heading comes first (at least in #wikitext), i.e. at the top of the 
> 'content page', will be treated differently.  Everywhere else I want a 
> non-zero top margin to separate the heading from preceding content, but 
> at the top of the page that just results in an unsightly gap.

The "solution" I posted is general... not just for a particular area of
headers (e.g. the SideBar would fall under the new rules as well).

Just fyi,

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