[pmwiki-users] CleanURLs

Sameer Kumar skumar at eharch.com
Tue Aug 7 12:53:52 CDT 2007

Any ideas, anybody??






I am struggling with getting the CleanURLs to work correctly on my site.
I have tried my best to follow the recipe but am unable to get the ?n=
out of the URL.



Running PmWiki 2.2.0 Beta63 on Apache on Windows XP.(site running as an
intranet, no public access).

Apache document root folder: C:/web

PmWiki path: C:/web/wiki/pmwiki.php


This is what I have so far:

1.      Downloaded mod_rewrite module and saved it in the modules
directory for Apache

2.      Enabled it in httpd.conf using "LoadModule rewrite_module

3.      I decided to not enable and create a .htaccess file, based on
recommendations on the Apache website.

4.      Added the following in the httpd.conf file for URL rewriting:

# To rewrite clean urls for the wiki

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>

  <Directory "C:/web">

    # Use mod_rewrite to enable "Clean URLs" for a PmWiki installation.

          RewriteEngine On

          # Define the rewrite base.  It's not necessarily PmWiki's

          RewriteBase /

          # Send requests without parameters to pmwiki.php.

          RewriteRule ^$           wiki/pmwiki.php  [L]

          # Send requests for index.php to pmwiki.php.

          RewriteRule ^index\.php$ wiki/pmwiki.php  [L]

          # Send requests to pmwiki.php, appending the query string

          RewriteRule ^([A-Z0-9\xa0-\xff].*)$ wiki/pmwiki.php?n=$1



5.      I have an index.php in the C:/web which says: <?php
chdir('wiki'); include_once('pmwiki.php'); (If I remove the index.php, I
only see an "Index of/" page when I go to the site.)

6.      In the local/config.php file, I have the following:

a.       $EnablePathInfo = 1;

b.      $ScriptUrl = 'http://eha-wiki.eharch.com';


As I said, I have been unable to remove the "?n=" from the urls. The
problem now is that when I use the Search box, it tries to go to the
URL/Site/Search page but returns with a "Page not found" error. This is
because the page is really at URL/?n=Site/Search page.


Thank you in advance for any help.


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