[pmwiki-users] Keywords and Seaching

Sandy pmwiki at onebit.ca
Wed Apr 18 10:29:01 CDT 2007

The (:keyword:) directive works well to help people find things when you want to
include synonyms for searches. However, if searching for "word" brings up a long
page, the next step is to ctrl=f to use the browser to search the page. And the
browser claims it isn't on the page.

When you put several groups of (:keywords:) on a page, they all get added to the
HTML header. Google or the PmWiki search will find them all. Very nice.

Is there a way to enable the ctrl-f on the browser to find them as well?


!!Cats (:keywords felines:)
<reams and reams of info>

!!Dogs (:keywords canines:)
<more info>

!!Spiders (:keywords arachnids:)
<even more info>


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