[pmwiki-users] New recipe: PTVInclude

Patrick R. Michaud pmichaud at pobox.com
Tue Apr 17 09:45:35 CDT 2007

On Tue, Apr 17, 2007 at 03:21:15PM +0100, Hans wrote:
> Tuesday, April 17, 2007, 2:45:17 PM, Patrick wrote:
> > If basepage= is provided, then all 
> > relative links and page variables are interpreted relative 
> > to basepage.
> Is this the main purpose of the basepage= parameter?
> So basepage can act as a kind of data page and reference page for
> relative links?

Somewhat.  Its primary purpose is to allow one to include pages
in a way that mimics the 2.1.x behavior where page variables 
and links are interpreted relative to the currently displayed page.
This is done with:

  (:include SomeOtherPage basepage='' :)    
  (:include SomeOtherPage basepage={*$FullName} :)

It also allows GroupHeader and GroupFooter to have their page
variables and links be relative to the currently displayed page 
(instead of GroupHeader and GroupFooter):

  ## PmWiki default $GroupHeaderFmt setting
  $GroupHeaderFmt = 
    '(:include {$Group}.GroupHeader self=0 basepage={*$FullName}:)(:nl:)';

Otherwise, using {$Name} inside of a GroupHeader would display
'GroupHeader' and not the name of the currently displayed page.

But as we've discovered today, the basepage= parameter is general
enough that it can also be used as a templating engine, so that
we can grab a template page containing variables that are then 
filled in with values from another page:

    (:include TemplatePage basepage=DataPage :)

And, of course, a single TemplatePage can actually contain multiple
templates delimited by anchors, so that we end up with a syntax
eerily similar[1] to pagelist-templates:

    (:include TemplatePage#abc basepage=DataPage :)
    (:include TemplatePage#def basepage=DataPage :)
    (:include TemplatePage#xyz basepage=DataPage :)

So then TemplatePage can use a syntax like:

    ...template stuff here...

and it's possible to display TemplatePage as a template
without it being interpreted... same as we do for 
Site.PageListTemplates .



[1]  Okay, maybe it's not so eerie, given that the pagelist template
     code actually uses the same function as (:include:) to grab its
     templates.  But it's still a useful parallel.  :-)

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