[pmwiki-users] Planning for 2.2.0
crisses at kinhost.org
Fri Sep 22 04:42:47 CDT 2006
On Sep 21, 2006, at 11:30 PM, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
> .... I'll start labeling these new feature releases
> as 2.2.0-beta so that administrators will know to look a bit
> more closely before upgrading.
This makes sense.
> 1. Page links and page variables inside of included pages will
> become relative by default. This means that if we're viewing
> GroupA.ABC, and that page includes GroupB.DEF, then any links in
> GroupB.DEF that look like [[XYZ]] will link to GroupB.XYZ
> (instead of GroupA.XYZ as happens now). This seems to be more
> consistent with what authors expect.
This also makes sense.
> As another example, if GroupB.DEF has {$FullName} markup in it, then
> it will result in "GroupB.DEF", even if GroupB.DEF is being included
> in another page.
This is sensible as well, as long as there's a way to get the link
relative to the parent/calling page.
> Of course, there will be options available to cause PmWiki to
> use the previous behavior, and there will be a syntax for page
> variables that indicates "the currently browsed page" as opposed
> to "the page in which the variable is written".
*thumbs up*
> 2. Page text variables (the {$:var} notation) will be part of the
> core. They'll also work in pagelists. This means that one will
> be able to grab text from fields defined in other pages. The
> field markups I'm currently considering are:
> Name: Patrick Michaud (natural markup)
> :Name:Patrick Michaud (definition list)
> (:Name:Patrick Michaud:) (directive form -- defines
> value but isn't displayed)
> It's also possible that this last form will allow multi-line values --
> I haven't decided that yet. Of course, recipes and administrators
> will be able to define their own patterns to be recognized.
> As in #1 above, page text variables such as {$:var} will generally be
> relative to the "page in which it is written" as opposed to
> "currently browsed page".
I think this is something many of us are waiting on the edge of our
seats for. At least the Pagelist part :)
> 3. The pagelist.php script has been largely refactored to be more
> extensible. This will enable recipe authors to more easily add
> custom filters and sources into the pagelist processing without
> modifying the core.
Yippie! More hooks!
> 4. Using (:include PageName#xyz:) will default to returning
> nothing if the target page doesn't have a [[#xyz]] anchor.
> Currently it seems to return the entire page. There will also be
> configurable options to have (:include:) return an error message
> if a requested section doesn't exist.
Sounds good.
> 5. There will be a "comment box" capability added into the core.
> Because of existing comment box recipes, the markup for
> comment boxes in the core will probably be something other than
> "(:commentbox:)". I haven't decided exactly what to call it yet.
> The core commenting capability will allow comments to be added at
> arbitrary points in pages, thus it's possible to collect comments
> directly in the current page or to have comments stored in a
> separate pages.
How about "remark"s? (:remarkbox:) ?
or (:pmcommentbox:)
> 6. There will be an UpdatePage() function available that will
> make it easy for scripts to change page contents such that
> page history, RecentChanges pages, notifications, etc. still
> take place. (Currently this can be done only through the HandleEdit()
> function, which isn't general purpose.)
This has been a long LONG time coming. There hasn't been an email-
>page for a long long time, for example. It might also warrant
changes to recipes like xmlrpc.
> 7. A blogging module will be available. I'm not sure if this
> will be provided by recipe or as part of the core distribution,
> but either way it'll be fairly easy to activate in the core.
> The blogging features will largely follow the description I
> gave late last year (i.e., using a (:blog:) markup to indicate
> blog pages).
I don't understand why we'd have this as part of the core
distribution. Blog != wiki, wiki != blog.
As a recipe I'm all for it. Similarly, I wouldn't want the shopping
cart as a part of the core, and I do want it as a recipe.
I think the idea of the PmWiki core being unbloated and slender is
brilliant, and adding the blog to the core would be extraneous. I
have a bunch of wikis without blogging and don't need blogging. :)
> 8. The [[target | text | title]] markup (and its variants) discussed
> on pmwiki-users may get added into the core.
I missed this one -- so I'm confused.... target, link text -- what's
> 9. It will be possible for administrators and recipes to define
> "virtual" pages; i.e., pages that always appear to exist even
> if they haven't been created yet. This will avoid problems of
> links to non-existent category pages, etc.
Hrm. Why not create the pages?
> 10. The long-awaited (:input select ...:) markup will be added.
Another yippie!
> 11. It will be easier to set default values for form textareas,
> radio buttons, and checkboxes from markup or from previously
> submitted data.
> 12. We may add some ability to specify which form elements
> should receive the input focus when a form appears in a page.
> I haven't decided on a syntax for this yet, but it seems to be
> needed for a variety of forms, both in PmWiki and in other
> applications.
Why would it be "elements"? Wouldn't only one page element have
focus? Just like you do "selected" can't you have a way of choosing
> Those are my current plans for 2.2; they are of course subject
> to change as we move along. I'm hoping to have many (most?)
> of these released in the very near future.
And we're very grateful! :)
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