[pmwiki-users] Planning for 2.2.0

Thomas -Balu- Walter list+pmwiki-users at b-a-l-u.de
Fri Sep 22 03:53:50 CDT 2006

On Thu, Sep 21, 2006 at 10:30:21PM -0500, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
> 1.  Page links and page variables inside of included pages will
> become relative by default.  This means that if we're viewing 
> GroupA.ABC, and that page includes GroupB.DEF, then any links in 
> GroupB.DEF that look like [[XYZ]] will link to GroupB.XYZ
> (instead of GroupA.XYZ as happens now).  This seems to be more
> consistent with what authors expect.

Full ack.

> 5.  There will be a "comment box" capability added into the core.
> Because of existing comment box recipes, the markup for
> comment boxes in the core will probably be something other than
> "(:commentbox:)".  I haven't decided exactly what to call it yet.  

(:comments:) (:commentlist:)

> 7.  A blogging module will be available.  I'm not sure if this
> will be provided by recipe or as part of the core distribution,
> but either way it'll be fairly easy to activate in the core.
> The blogging features will largely follow the description I 
> gave late last year (i.e., using a (:blog:) markup to indicate
> blog pages).

Are additional features like trackbacks or how they are called (I'm not
a blogger yet) planned for the future?

> 12. We may add some ability to specify which form elements
> should receive the input focus when a form appears in a page.
> I haven't decided on a syntax for this yet, but it seems to be
> needed for a variety of forms, both in PmWiki and in other
> applications.

Is "tabindex" allowed / possible?

> Those are my current plans for 2.2; they are of course subject
> to change as we move along.  I'm hoping to have many (most?)
> of these released in the very near future.

The list looks really nice.


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