[pmwiki-users] defining Usergroups in config.php or farmconfig.php
pmwiki Besenreuther
pmwiki at besenreuther.de
Wed Sep 6 16:24:12 CDT 2006
thanks a lot for your answer.
Wow, the user and group definition works!!
The dreams come true.
Just a little problem exits, when I use following:
in config.php:
$DefaultPasswords['admin'] = crypt('secret');
$AuthUser['udo'] = array(crypt('udo'));
$AuthUser['bob'] = array(crypt('bob'));
$AuthUser['alice'] = array(crypt('wonder'));
$AuthUser['@meinegruppe'] = array('udo','bob','alice');
$AuthUser['@meinedit'] = array('alice');
in Group.Group
I can read the page with users: udo, bob or alice.
But I can't find a way to edit the page???
Is this only a problem on my site??
Thanks for answer.
Greetings Udo
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Am 06.09.2006 um 15:40 Patrick R. Michaud schrieb:
>On Tue, Sep 05, 2006 at 12:58:20AM +0200, pmwiki Besenreuther wrote:
>> - Operating manual (one group for reading and one for editin)
>> The configuration runs, but only if I define all users and groups
>> in project1/Site.AuthUser. So there is no way to get the user
>> managed on one place (e.q. formconfig.php, mysql, others)
>Yes, they can be managed from a single Site.AuthUser page --
>see http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/SharedPages .
>> It doesn't work with users coming from farmconfig.php or mysql
>> So I think it would be very eligible to define the users and groups
>> in farmconfig.php, like this:
>> $AuthUser['nancy'] = crypt('nancyspassword');
>> $AuthUser['bart'] = crypt('bartspassword');
>This is supposed to work, but doesn't because of an error in authuser.php.
>However, the following should work:
> $AuthUser['nancy'] = array('nancyspassword');
> $AuthUser['bart'] = array('bartspassword');
>> $AuthGroup['proj1_ps_read'] = array('nancy','bart','me', ...);
>> $AuthGroup['proj1_ps_edit'] = array('bart','me', ...);
>Eventually these will be available as:
> $AuthUser['@proj1_ps_read'] = array('nancy', 'bart', 'me', ...);
> $AuthUser['@proj1_ps_edit'] = array('bart', 'me', ...);
>> Then it would be possible to manage the page authorisation in a
>> easy way by defining group authorisation in the file:
>> ../project1/wiki.d/projectspecification.homepage
>It's already possible for a script to select a different location
>for the Site.AuthUser file by changing the value of $AuthUserPageFmt.
>Note that this has to be done *before* calling authuser.php. :-)
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