[pmwiki-users] read access password question
Tegan Dowling
tmdowling at gmail.com
Wed Sep 6 11:47:56 CDT 2006
On 9/6/06, Hans <design5 at softflow.co.uk> wrote:
> I am just finalising a weekly online community magazine, as pmwiki,
> for which people will subscribe and get a password to access the
> week(s) they subscribe for. Each week's edition will be in one wiki
> group, so read access passwords can be set separately.
> My first question: how can subscribers see a list of editions (groups) they
> have subscribed to (have a password)?
> Second question: Can I have on a general page, say Main.HomePage,
> which will be readable by anyone, a list of published edition-groups,
> generated automatically by pagelist, when these groups have individual
> read passwords set?
> Thank for any input on this!
I've often taken advantage of the fact that pagelist results only
display pages for which the reader has been shown to have
read-authorization. Using this, you can set up a page with something
(:if ! enabled AuthPw:)[[{$Name}?action=login | Please login
here]]+](:if enabled AuthPw:)You have subscribed to read the
(:if auth admin:)
->(:pagelist fmt=#group list=all:)
(:if !auth admin:)
->(:pagelist fmt=#group group=-Main,-Site,-PmWiki:)(:if:)
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