[pmwiki-users] pmwiki exploit

Nils Knappmeier nk at knappi.org
Tue Sep 5 07:17:48 CDT 2006


I verified it, and it really works. Appearently, PHP does have a problem
unsetting variables under some circumstances. Actually, the following
statement at the beginning of pmwiki.php should prevent such an attack:

if (ini_get('register_globals'))
  foreach($_REQUEST as $k=>$v) {

$k)) exit();

But due to the PHP problems, it does not really work. The exploit uses
this problem to set the value of $FarmD, which is used in several
include-Statements. It "includes" a PHP file from a remote server which
is then executed on the local PmWiki installation and can execute
arbitrary commands.

I think the problem can be solved by inserting

   ${$k} = "";

directly above the line "unset(${$k})". In this case, if someone tries
to inject a false $FarmD, it will be set to an empty string.


PS: I'd feel bad sending the exploit over this list, but if anyone wants
to see it and has trouble finding it, I can point you to the URL.

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