[pmwiki-users] Notebook-NT-Skin - some more tests
Henrik Bechmann
henrik.bechmann at sympatico.ca
Sun Sep 3 12:11:55 CDT 2006
Yes, I tried it with the left sidebar content longer than the right
content. See the technical notes at
http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/Pmwiki-DivsSkin for an explanation.
Regrettably there is no way around special code for IE in the table-less
world. Fortunately, the hacks have become standard, and pretty well
known (see positioniseverything.net).
Mind you we are about to "enjoy" another round of adjustment with the
gradual rollout of IE 7. I've already found a bug which I have reported
to them (interesting to see if they find my report in the pile of the
thousands of other reports they have received).
- Henrik
V.Krishn wrote:
> On Sunday 03 September 2006 08:16, Henrik Bechmann wrote:
>> Patrick, VK,
>> I have upgraded the css framework that I sent you earlier to a PmWiki
>> skin (attached) to make a completely table-less skin that looks like the
>> default PmWiki skin. To try it out I copied the wikitext from your test
>> page into mine. You can see the result at
>> http://www.dufferinpark.ca/common/wiki/pmwiki.php?n=Test.Test
> Thanks Henrik. Looks good.
> Did you try making the sidebar bigger than the content area.
> I would try to understand it specially the IE specific css. From my template
> making experience I could say inserting browser specific code, be it css or
> javascript really gets confusing when it comes to explaining others. Among us
> we might be comfortable. I would still give it a try, maybe I could use in my
> other complicated skins which I am working on.
> Thanks again.
> V.Krishn
>> (sorry, no editing, but you can set it up in the PmWiki test area, per
>> the attached). I looked at it briefly with IE 5.5, 6, 7 and FF, and it
>> looks OK to me.
>> To make the skin based on the css framework, I copied a few things
>> (block borders, background colors, sizes, padding) from Patrick's css
>> file (as noted in the file) into the framework css rules. I also added
>> background colours to the sidebar and footer (sometimes it makes a
>> difference in stability - but this can be tested). Otherwise the page
>> uses pmwiki.css, as provided in the distribution. I also adjusted the
>> sidebar width to make it match PmWiki.org's sidebar in width.
>> Please feel free to set up this pmwiki-div skin (my name for it) in a
>> test area (or let me know how/where), and you can test it/ try to break
>> it to your heart's content.
>> Hope you find this helpful or at least interesting.
>> I have been using these techniques for years (and dufferinpark.ca is
>> table-less), so I think there's a good chance this will work well. More
>> than a prototype, still needs testing before deployment.
>> Best,
>> - Henrik
>> Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
>>> On Sun, Sep 03, 2006 at 02:48:24AM +0530, VKrishn wrote:
>>>> http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Test/Notebook-NT-Skin?skin=notebook-nt
>>>> done
>>> Alas, no such luck -- using clear='right' doesn't work with %lframe%.
>>> http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Test/Notebook-NT-Skin-LeftFloat
>>> Pm
>>>> On Sunday 03 September 2006 00:59, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
>>>>> Just looked (19:29 UTC). That page doesn't show the problem
>>>>> because the bottom border of the sidebar is higher than the
>>>>> bottom border of the image.
>>>>> If you make the sidebar very long on the insteps.net site
>>>>> (as I've now done on pmwiki.org in the Test group), then
>>>>> I think you'll see the problem there as well.
>>>>> Pm
>>>>> On Sun, Sep 03, 2006 at 01:19:19AM +0530, VKrishn wrote:
>>>>>> Could you have look here
>>>>>> http://insteps.net/test/notebook-nt/pmwiki.php/Test/Notebook-NT
>>>>>> V.Krishn
>>>>>> On Sunday 03 September 2006 00:43, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
>>>>>>> On Sun, Sep 03, 2006 at 01:00:46AM +0530, VKrishn wrote:
>>>>>>>> I can see some whitespace in first instance of the test. I pasted
>>>>>>>> the same code below to repeat and the problem seems to have gone.
>>>>>>>> Pls have a look at.
>>>>>>>> http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Test/Notebook-NT-Skin?skin=notebook-nt
>>>>>>> The problem will only occur once. What is happening is that
>>>>>>> we have a floating image, and then the [[<<]] markup
>>>>>>> creates a <br clear='all' /> that causes the text to skip to
>>>>>>> below any floating elements.
>>>>>>> Since the left sidebar is a floating element, the clear='all'
>>>>>>> attribute is causing the text to jump to the bottom of the left
>>>>>>> sidebar content, as opposed to the bottom of the image. Later
>>>>>>> instances of [[<<]] won't show this problem because we've already
>>>>>>> skipped past the floating left sidebar.
>>>>>>> Pm
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Henrik Bechmann
Webmaster, www.dufferinpark.ca
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