[pmwiki-users] Honeypots for Spam (was Spam status and suggestion for PmWiki.org)

Pico pmwiki at ben-amotz.com
Mon Oct 16 10:02:31 CDT 2006

> From: Thomas -Balu- Walter <list+pmwiki-users at b-a-l-u.de>
> On Tue, Oct 10, 2006 at 02:07:28PM -0700, Pico wrote:
> > If we were to start using honeypots to deal with automated attacks, then
> I wonder how fast those bots post to the wiki. If they change e.g. X
> pages in Y seconds we could probably block them this way too?

That is what should be happening with the new Site.Blocklist-Honeypot
(where ip addresses are added when a save is attempted and the
Site.Blocklist-Honeypot is part of the array of pages used for

Which raises the issue of what happens when the honeypot gets "filled

Right now, I get a timeout when I try to view the honeypot.  

When I viewed it in the past, I noticed that much of the content appears
to be the content of the links that the spammers are trying to post.  

Assuming that the entries in the Blocklist-Honeypot page is being used
to determine what IP addresses should be blocked, maybe we should only
save the ip information in that page.  (The other information could be
saved to some other page that is not read by the blocklist).


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