[pmwiki-users] Wikitrail problem

Pico pmwiki at ben-amotz.com
Wed Oct 4 08:26:29 CDT 2006

marc <gmane <at> auxbuss.com> writes:

> <?php $Version="pmwiki-2.1.26"; $VersionNum=2001026; 
> Hi,
> When creating a wikitrail index the link format
>   [[Test Form |PmWiki Form Test]]
> works, but
>   [[PmWiki Form Test -> Test Form]]
> does not. Is there a reason for this? Or just an oversight?

Here is some more information on Marc's post.

On PmWiki.org, what breaks is the trail navigational markup that appears on the
page along the trail that was identified with an arrow alias.  

That (arrow aliased) page still gets placed on the trail (i.e. the prior and
subsequent pages point forward, and backward, to that page).

See Test/WikiTrail for an example.


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