[pmwiki-users] field admin permissions oddness

Patrick R. Michaud pmichaud at pobox.com
Mon Oct 2 11:10:56 CDT 2006

On Mon, Oct 02, 2006 at 04:42:40PM +0100, marc wrote:
> Patrick R. Michaud said...
> > Similarly, if there are two wikis on a farm that share the same
> > FQDN, then PHP will treat them as sharing a common session.
> Check.
> > This
> > is why the session_name() approach mentioned in my previous email
> > works -- it tells the browser to use a different session cookie
> > for each wiki instance, even though they're on the same FQDN.
> Okay, but what I would like is a single user log-on for the farm - all 
> fields in the farm - but for permissions to be field-specific. Thus, if 
> fred is admin for field one, but not field2, when he logs in he is not 
> given admin perms for field2, as happens currently. Is there a way to do 
> this?

Hmm, this is a bit trickier -- I'll have to think about it.

> Isn't there a potential problem here? (Not that it can't be managed.) 
> For example, if non-admin dino logs in to field1 and is a member of 
> group @testers for field1, then he also a member of @testers for all 
> other fields. IOW, authorization groups are farm-wide (when not using 
> multiple session_names).

Please don't phrase it this way...it's very misleading because
authenticated groups are not really "farm-wide".

The real truth is that authentication groups are shared among
wikis that have the same FQDN and session_name.  The wikis
don't even to be part of the same farm -- if the FQDN and session_name
match for a pair of wikis, they end up sharing authentication groups.
That's just the nature of the way PHP sessions work and the way
PmWiki uses sessions to manage authentication credentials.
(PmWiki stores group authentications in a session so that it
doesn't have to re-compute group memberships from Site.AuthUser
on every page request, which could get expensive.)

So, what you're really asking is that a person's authenticated
identities be able to travel across wikis, but not any group 
memberships.  I'm not sure we want to do this in general, as
it would surprise people that the identities defined in 
Site.AuthUser can travel across wikis, but the groups do not.

Also, PmWiki is slowly moving towards blurring the distinction 
between "identity" and "group"; e.g., allowing things such as an
authentication group that says "Alice, Bob, and all of the members
of @editors".  In fact, the only thing that really distinguishes 
an identity from a group now is the "id:" versus the "@" prefix
in authorizations -- other than that they're handled identically.

My (weak) suggestion at this point would be to keep identities
separate among wikis.  This will require that people have to
re-authenticate when crossing a wiki boundary, but for most
sites that shouldn't be too much of an annoyance.  If that's
really a serious obstacle for you, we can discuss it more here.


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