[pmwiki-users] hierarchical groups, revisited

Carlos carlos.ab at gmail.com
Sun May 28 15:18:11 CDT 2006

Hi list,

I'm trying to keep up with the conversation but my english is not that great. 
I won't write much mostly  because I can't but also because I want your 
opinion on something I wrote a few weeks ago, about "virtual hierarchical 
groups". Basically it won't require any change in the current way that things 
are done, is kind of simple and some features can be added on top of it. 

The recipe I was thinking about was named (by me) "VTREE" and I wrote some 
thoughts about it , here:


I would apreciate any comment sent directly to me (maybe because it is an OT) 
or to  the list.



Em Sábado 27 Maio 2006 08:03, Joachim Durchholz escreveu:
> Patrick R. Michaud schrieb:
> > Somehow I don't see the XPath syntax for relative links as being 
> > very usable or desirable for the average author that PmWiki targets.
> It does have interesting concepts, much along the lines of what Américo 
> desires. So it's probably good if path components are clearly separated, 
> so that something similar to XPath remains possible.
> Fortunately, that's a very weak constraint. All we need is a clear 
> separation of pathname components (which we will want to have anyway), 
> and a single reserved character to be able to establish alternate syntax 
> within a path component.
> In other words: if hierarchical groups make it, there will be a place in 
> syntactic design space for Américos ideas :-)
> Regards,
> Jo
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