[pmwiki-users] Audiences (was: Re: RFC: PITS 00701 -- WikiFarm confusion)

Bellave Jayaram bellavejayaram at cox.net
Thu Mar 16 12:13:56 CST 2006

I tried (:pagelist group=PmWiki "(basic)","(advanced)" :) looking for both
types of pages and the only hit was DocumentationGuidelines. 

Assuming all the pages have an audience markup, one should be able to do all
possible combination filters and get reliable hits. For ex., 

1. all content levels for authors (basic, intermediate and advanced)
2. author(basic) and administrator(basic)


-----Original Message-----
Patrick R. Michaud wrote:

There is no problem with using backlinks and search for this,
however.  For example, to get a list of all of the "basic"
pages one could do:

    (:pagelist group=PmWiki "(basic)" :)


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