[pmwiki-users] Change the Break Clear=all

Patrick R. Michaud pmichaud at pobox.com
Thu Mar 2 14:42:11 CST 2006

On Thu, Mar 02, 2006 at 03:36:59PM -0500, Miller, Joshua wrote:
>    When I use [<<] I get this in the code: <br clear='all' />
>    How do I change it so it just outputs <br />

Why not just use \\ at the end of a markup line?  I.e., instead of

    This is some [[<<]] broken text


    This is some \\
    broken text

The "\\" generates a <br /> with no clear='all' attribute.

However, if you really are wanting to change the markup for [[<<]],
then do the following in local/config.php:

    ## [[<<]] (break)
    Markup('[[<<]]','inline','/\\[\\[&lt;&lt;\\]\\]/',"<br />");

(The original lines for this are in scripts/stdmarkup.php, putting
the above in local/config.php cause PmWiki to use the above definition
instead of its default.)

Hope this helps,


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