[pmwiki-users] Growing pains -- prevention thereof

Patrick R. Michaud pmichaud at pobox.com
Fri Jun 9 17:51:13 CDT 2006

On Fri, Jun 09, 2006 at 05:29:13PM -0400, Sandy wrote:
> Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
> > On Thu, Jun 08, 2006 at 11:38:15AM -0400, Sandy wrote:
> > 
> >>www.domain1.com/pmwikiengine
> >>www.domain1.com/wiki11  (also reachable from www.wiki1.domain1.com)
> >>www.domain2.com/wiki21
> >>www.domain2.com/wiki22
> > 
> >> Can I still disguise that domain2 is getting the wiki engine from domain1 
>  >> if the domains are on two different server accounts?
> > 
> > As long as they are on the same server, it can be done from separate
> > server accounts.
> And if they're not?
> By server account I mean two different paid accounts, currently hosted 
> by the same company. (I've no clue how to run a server and keep it 
> connected, nor any desire to learn and take on all the headaches.)

It depends on how the hosting provider has things set up.
On several hosting services I've used, different accounts may
run from different servers but have their files available from
a common filesystem hierarchy.  In this case a WikiFarm would 
still work, because one account would be able to access the 
PmWiki files it needs from the other account (assuming file 
permissions are set up appropriately).

The key thing to getting a WikiFarm to work is that each
account needs to be able to locate the PmWiki source files
on disk somehow.  If it can do that, great, if not, then
each account will need its own copy.

> So, is it likely to work, or do I need to get a larger account and sell 
> bits of it (something I'd rather not get into).

For just two sites, I'd probably go ahead and run them
independently.  Once it starts getting to be four or more,
however, getting a larger account (commonly called a "reseller
account") that allows managing multiple domains starts to make
a lot more sense.

>From time to time I've also toyed with the notion of
subscribing accounts on the server that is hosting pmwiki.org,
this would be just like many other web hosting services
except PmWiki would be pre-installed and maintained.
I'm just not certain that I'd be able to offer adequate
tech support to subscribers for that.


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